Programs and activities that engage young people up to age 30 in their community and in service projects that foster their interest in Rotary.

Director – Yair Ramos



Club members support the reading program at the Camelot School in Annandale. Club members read to the hearing impaired and Head Start students during the fall and spring semesters.  Many club members participate by reading, singing and acting.  In addition, the club has provided funds for their purchase of a Smart Board, a digital camera and other items to assist the Camelot teaching staff. POC – John Pellegrin



Our Rotary club sponsors the Interact Club at West Springfield High School, working with students on their community and international projects during the year.  Interact members are assisting the Rotary Club with projects and fundraisers during the year, Kristi’s Christmas and Special Olympics among them.  Community service is a requirement for graduation.  Students earn the required 50 hours and more, participating in projects of service to the community and the world, having FUN as they work and learn. 



In memory of two area Virginia Tech students, Leslie Sherman, and Mary Read, killed in the April 16, 2007 horrific and senseless campus shooting, the Patriot District Memorial Cup was begun.  Todd Lalich worked with the Fairfax County School System to lay the groundwork for the Patriot District All Sports/Activities Memorial Cup.  The Patriot Cup is a traveling memorial, presented to the Patriot District high school that has the most successful athletic program for the year. POC – Todd Lalich 



The Rotary Club of West Springfield (RCWS) began a Scholarship Program in 1981 for local high school seniors based on scholastic achievement and involvement in community/school activities. In 2011 the program underwent major changes becoming a 2-year award for West Springfield High School (WSHS) seniors attending Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC), based on financial need, demonstrated academic ability, WSHS Interact Club membership, involvement with civic/community organizations, extra-curricular school activities and scholastic achievement.  A unique feature of this scholarship program is the appointment of a Rotary Club Member as a mentor for each scholar.  Their responsibility is to follow the scholar’s academic progress, to offer career advice, to ensure critical financial needs are provided for and to be someone the scholar can talk to about their academic/career concerns. POC – Travis White



To encourage and assist young people in responsible and effective voluntary leadership, every year we publicly recognize many young people who are rendering service to their communities through Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.  The program is founded on the ideal that the future of Rotary is reliant on the youth of its community. 



Each year the Rotary Club of West Springfield sponsors a "Four-Way Test Essay Contest" in partnership with Irving Middle School. Students are invited to write an essay showing how Rotary's Four-Way test can be applied to real-world issues, problems or personal behaviors.

The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and all Rotarians recite it at club meetings:
Of the things we think, say or do

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

From the essays submitted, judges select three for cash prizes and the student with the top-rated essay is invited to read their work at a club meeting.  
POC – Gerry Gawalt



Each spring, Club members provide personnel to run the shot-put event at two track & field competitions sponsored by the Potomac Region of Virginia Special Olympics. Both competitions are usually held on Saturdays in April. Each competition provides an opportunity for Rotary members to spend a fantastically fun morning interacting with some of the most inspiring athletes in the local area. The first competition is a pre-qualifier local event and is held at Flint Hill Upper School in Oakton. The second competition is a higher-level regional qualifier event. It is held at Episcopal High School in Alexandria. Based on competitor rankings at the regional qualifier competition, athletes may advance to the statewide Special Olympics competition in Richmond. At each local competition, in addition to running the entire shot-put event, club members assist, encourage, and cheer each athlete in an effort to make all participants feel special and proud of their accomplishments. POC – Clyde Findley



Our Club fully implements Rotary International’s policies to ensure that youth participating in any of our programs are in an environment that is free of abuse and harassment of any kind.  


Mailing Address
Rotary Club of West Springfield
P.O. Box 2097
Springfield, VA 22152

Voice Mailbox
Leave a message and your call will be returned.

Email Address
Club Activities (Partial List)
- Scholarships to NVCC
- Support to Special Olympics
(April 5 & 26, 2025)
- Support to Crestwood, Garfield and Lynbrook Elementary Schools
- Support for local needy families
- Kristi's Christmas
Club Leadership 2023-24
Fred Kalema-Musoke
Vice President & President-elect
Mary Shaffran
Immediate Past President
Ray Wolff
Greg Street
Dan Clark
Jim Kirkpatrick
Director Club Service
Bill Krist
Director Youth Service
Greg Berson
Director Vocational Service
Lyn Squire
Director Community Service
Doug Alcorn
Director International Service
John Paul Delgado
Director and NXT Chair
Ed Schoenberg
Springfield Golf & Country Club
8301 Old Keene Mill Road
Springfield, VA 22152

Morning Group:
Most Wednesdays (In-Person & Zoom): 7:30 to 8:30am
NXT Evening Group:
1st Wednesday (In-Person & Zoom): 7:00 to 8:00pm
3rd Wednesday (In-Person - Combined Meeting): 7:00 to 8:30pm

Check the listing below as meeting information may change.
Club Meetings and Events